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CASA SAPO - Portugal’s National Real Estate Portal

CASASAPO, the Portuguese Real Estate Portal, present in 6 countries, has a multidisciplinary team dedicated to creating and developing Internet marketing solutions exclusively for the property sector. If you want to advertise your property, your company or simply want to find out more about CASASAPO, don't hesitate, just fill in our contact form and our sales team will get back to you.

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Júlia Sampaio - Real Estate Consultant

«It was a contact that came from CASASAPO», from a client of English origin. «I promptly replied to it, in the same day», and from there to the visit it was two days.»


Alexandre Paz - Manager

«The software it is very functional; it gives us a complete reading of everything that goes on in our company, in a very smooth manner ». CASASAPO «it is the leading national portal and it is evident where we want to be.»


«In this phase, «internet was the most important». «We use the internet a lot, especially for the properties, because at the end of the day, it works like the first visit » that is done to them.»


Álvaro Cordeiro - Manager

In today’s real estate activity, «it would be impossible to work in a duly professional manner» without the new technologies. «It is an investment that justifies itself. Our Internet page, eGo Realestate, CASASAPO, have given us all of the needed support, which we find extremely important.»


Marco Ribeiro - General Management and Investments

«Today any company that does not have the concern to get to know the new technologies, very hardly will be able to compete in this market. This because weather we like or nor, the new technologies, allow us to be nearer the potential client. We, Markiclass, give high importance to the new technologies, and CASASAPO has been an excellent help in our real estate transactions.»



«Be it in easier processes or more complex ones, more or less rapid ones, there is no doubt that the partnership between Fitamétrica and the CASASAPO portal has indeed contributed to our success, in terms of recognition and results.»